
Whatever your checking needs, Hiawatha National Bank has an account that will suit you. Please compare Hiawatha National Bank to our competitors—we pay high rates of interest, even on checking accounts! 

Choice Checking Homeowner Advantage  Interest Checking Premium Interest Checking
Our most popular account with added benefits for
Students & Seniors
Great package of checking benefits for HNB home loan customers Earns interest with low minimum 
Minimum Opening
Minimum Balance
Monthly Maintenance Charge
None If average daily balance8 falls below minimum: $5 fee plus $0.10 per debit1 per month6 None; Interest Checking rate paid if average daily balance8 falls below minimum
Earns Interest No No Variable7 rate calculated on average daily balance8, credited monthly Variable7 rate calculated on average daily balance8, credited monthly
ATM & Debit Card  Free2 Free2 Free2 Free2
ATM Transactions
No fees at HNB ATMs; 4 Free ATM transactions per
month at non-HNB ATMs
No fees at HNB ATMs; 4 Free ATM transactions per
month at non-HNB ATMs
No fees at HNB ATMs; 4 Free ATM transactions per
month at non-HNB ATMs
No fees at HNB ATMs; 4 Free ATM transactions per
month at non-HNB ATMs
Overdraft Protection Yes4 Yes4 Yes4 Yes4
Additional Benefits
Unlimited check writing

Free HNB Logo checks3

Free Money Orders and Cashier Checks3
Unlimited check writing 

Free HNB Logo checks

Free Money Orders and Cashiers Checks

No Closing Costs on Home Equity Loans4
Unlimited check writing 
Unlimited check writing 

Free HNB Logo checks
1Debit items consist of checks/drafts/point-of-sale/pre-authorized payments.
2 Based on approval.
3 For HNB Checking Clients age 55 or better.
4 Based on approved application.
5 Minimum balance to obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) stated in the Rates section.
6 Account fees may reduce earnings. 
7 Variable interest rates subjected to change. 

8 We use the average daily balance. The average daily balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period. 

For further information, please see your Client Service Representative. 
Account disclosures available on request.
Want to apply for one of our amazing checking accounts? Click here for our consumer application. 
Once completed send it to or bring it to your nearest location